Natural Acceptance

Natural acceptance implies unconditional and total acceptance of the self, people and environment. It also refers to the absence of any exception from others. Once we fully and truly commit ourselves on the basis of natural acceptance, we feel a holistic sense of inner harmony, tranquillity and fulfilment. Actually, natural acceptance is way to accept the good things naturally. Learn everything that is good from others, but bring it in, and in our own way absorb it; do not become others. In other words, natural acceptance is process to understand ourselves first. Try to find out he ego stage. Try to reduce that. Open our eyes and look around. The world is full of good things. We need to accept the right naturally. Once it starts coming naturally, we will feel that we are actually upgraded ourselves and now we are above then the rest of the world. Problems are the part of life and natural acceptance is the answer of that.

Characteristics of Natural Acceptance

  • Natural acceptance does not change with time
  • It does not depend on the place
  • It does not depend on our beliefs or past conditionings
  • This natural acceptance is ‘constantly there’, something we can refer to
  • Natural acceptance is the same for all of us: it is part and parcel of every human being, it is part of humanness

Experiential Validation

Experiential validation is a process that infuses direct experience with the learning environment and content. It may be regarded as a philosophy and methodology in which the direct experience and focused reflection of the individual helps to increase knowledge, develop skill and clarify values.

We are often told to accept ourselves for who are. Most of what we know about our self is not only through our own opinion of our self but also because of how others view us. When what we already believe to be true of us is validated by some situations, phenomena or outcomes. We may term it as experiential validation.

What is the State Today?

Today, we are not oriented enough to evaluate our beliefs or assumptions and we treat them as our personal life. We generally keep them secure in the name of personal life and freedom. We usually become very sticky about them without really verifying them. When these come in conflict, we try hard to search out justifications and make all efforts to defend our own assumptions. In the process, we cheat us ourselves as well as others.

It shows that today:
  • Neither are we verifying our assumptions/ proposals put to us on the basis of our natural acceptance
  • Nor we verifying what we think we know, in our living.

What is the Way Out? What Do We Need to Do?

Realization and Understanding:

As we continue with the process of verification of proposals on the basis of our natural acceptance and test it out in our living, it ultimately results in realization and understanding in us. This means knowing something to be true for sure, within ourselves. The answers we get on having realization and understanding are assuring, satisfying and universal. Universal means the answer is same for everyone. They are invariant with respect to time, space and individual. If the answers we get do not fulfil any of the criteria it means the answer is most likely coming from our past beliefs/conditioning and not from our natural acceptance.

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